The Perfect Balance: Finding the Right Number of Messaging Pillars for Your Company

The secret to compelling brand communication is learning how to define and deploy the optimal number of messaging pillars for impactful brand storytelling.


3 Big Ideas

  • Messaging pillars are foundational themes or values that guide consistent brand communication, reflecting your company's core ethos.
  • There is no one-size-fits-all number of messaging pillars. 
  • Finding the perfect balance of messaging pillars requires reflection on brand values, audience understanding, brand complexity assessment, and an iterative process of testing and refinement.

Trying to establish a strong, clear, and consistent message can feel like searching for a clear path through a dense forest. The struggle is real. This is where the concept of messaging pillars comes into play. They serve as foundational elements that support your company's overall brand message. 

However, the quest to determine the "just right" number of messaging pillars—akin to Goldilocks's search for the perfect porridge, chair, and bed—can be a challenging one. Too few pillars, and the message might lack depth. Too many, and the clarity of the message could be diluted. So, what's the right number? 

The answer is…it depends (I know, super unfulfilling answer, sorry). Let’s not despair! By exploring some examples from real companies you’ll be able to gain insight into how you can evaluate the best balance for your messaging strategy.

Understanding Messaging Pillars

First and foremost, let’s level-set on what we mean by messaging pillars. Messaging pillars are core themes or values that support a brand's overall message. They help companies communicate with their audience consistently across different platforms and channels. These pillars can encompass various aspects of a company's ethos, such as its commitment to innovation, customer service, sustainability, or quality. So when you think about your messaging pillars, think ethos.

The Golden Number: Is There One?

When it comes to determining the ideal number of messaging pillars, there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer. The "perfect" number varies depending on your company's size, industry, audience, and brand complexity. However, I recommend between three and five. Much like a stool needs at least three legs to stand on, your messaging platform needs a minimum of three supports to be stable. On the other hand, more than five and your message could be confusing. Examining real-life examples can provide valuable insights into how you can navigate this decision.

Example 1: The Power of Three

Eco-Soap Bank is a social enterprise focused on recycling used hotel soaps to improve hygiene in underserved populations. In other words, it’s a bank for soap. Its three core messaging pillars are: 

  1. Sustainability
  2. Hygiene Education
  3. Empowerment. 

These pillars enable Eco-Soap Bank to communicate a clear, impactful message about its holistic approach to addressing environmental, health, and social issues. For Eco-Soap Bank, three is the perfect number, offering a focused yet comprehensive framework to convey its brand identity.

Example 2: The Stability of Four

BrewDog, an independent craft brewer, has made waves not just for its beers but also its unique brand personality. BrewDog leverages four messaging pillars of:

  1. Quality Craftsmanship
  2. Environmental Responsibility
  3. Transparency, and 
  4. Community Engagement. 

This quartet enables BrewDog’s messaging strategy to effectively balance product excellence with a strong ethical stance, resonating well with environmentally conscious consumers.

Example 3: The Comprehensive Approach of Five

Patagonia, an outdoor apparel company, has successfully embraced five messaging pillars: 

  1. Quality Products
  2. Environmental Activism
  3. Fair Labor Practices
  4. Reduction of Corporate Harm, and 
  5. Community Engagement. 

This comprehensive approach reflects Patagonia's deep commitment to various aspects of social and environmental responsibility, resonating with a customer base that values ethical and sustainable business practices. For Patagonia, five pillars allow for a nuanced, in-depth portrayal of its brand ethos and objectives.

Finding Your Company's Goldilocks Zone

Finding the right balance in the number of messaging pillars involves a Goldilocks-esque quest for what's "just right" for your company. Here's how you can evaluate the right balance:

Reflect on Your Brand's Core Values

Start by reflecting on your brand's core values and mission. What are the essential themes or values that you want to consistently communicate across all channels? Identifying these will help you determine the foundational pillars. Remember, just like you can’t wear all your clothes in the closet at the same time, you can’t communicate all your messages all at once (From Noise to Clarity: A Complete Guide To Drafting A Consistent Messaging Strategy).

Consider Your Audience

Understanding your target audience is crucial. Consider what matters most to them and how many different aspects of your brand you need to communicate to meet their expectations and interests. Consider using the “know, think, feel, do” framework to help guide you in fully understanding your audience. The last thing you want to do is overwhelm or confuse your audience so having a deep understanding of them matters greatly.

Assess Your Brand's Maturity 

Brand maturity plays a role in determining the optimal number of messaging pillars. A lesser-known brand should focus on fewer pillars to create a clear and concise message that resonates with the target audience. A narrower focus allows the brand to establish a strong foundation and build brand recognition. As the brand gains recognition and becomes more established, it can gradually introduce additional pillars to expand its messaging and cater to a broader audience.

Assess Your Brand's Complexity

The complexity of your brand and the diversity of your products or services can also influence the number of messaging pillars you need. A company with a wide range of products or services might require more pillars to cover all aspects of its brand.

Aim for Clarity and Focus

The ultimate goal is to convey your brand's message clearly and compellingly. If you find that having too many pillars dilutes the message or makes it confusing, it's time to consolidate. Conversely, if too few pillars make your message feel incomplete, consider adding more—but only as many as necessary to maintain clarity and focus. How do you know if you have too many or too few messaging pillars? Test and refine. Launch campaigns based on your defined pillars and measure engagement, conversion, and brand recall. Adjust your strategy based on real-world performance and feedback.

The Bottom Line

Just as Goldilocks found her perfect fit through trial and error, you should experiment and evaluate to discover the ideal number of messaging pillars that best support your brand's message. Whether it's the focused precision of three, the stable balance of four, or the comprehensive scope of five, the right number should align with your brand's core values, resonate with your audience, and effectively communicate your unique value proposition. Remember, the goal is not to adhere to a magic number but to find a harmonious balance that perfectly suits your brand's message and identity.

The Perfect Balance: Finding the Right Number of Messaging Pillars for Your Company

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The secret to compelling brand communication is learning how to define and deploy the optimal number of messaging pillars for impactful brand storytelling.


The Perfect Balance: Finding the Right Number of Messaging Pillars for Your Company

The secret to compelling brand communication is learning how to define and deploy the optimal number of messaging pillars for impactful brand storytelling.

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