Hey Jedi master!!
Remember that scene in Star Wars when Luke Skywalker was just beginning to learn how to use his lightsaber?
There was this little ball-thing he had to try to strike while wearing a helmet that prevented him from seeing. Skywalker had to learn to use . . . . THE FORCE!
Basically, he had to learn a blend of intuitive sensing + instinct + action to wield his saber in a way that would serve him.
You know - it’s kinda like the way folks used to learn to type, back when there were typewriters, and it was a class in school! 👇😱 I’m seriously laughing so hard right now. I hope you didn’t go to catholic school when this was happening.

I digress.
Anyway, this is kinda how I feel right now. And I’m hoping you can be my Obi-Wan.
Here’s the backstory.
We’re launching a new workshop for companies and teams who need help crafting action-inducing narratives. The kind of narratives that get customers to say “tell me more”, or that get investors to say “what are your terms”, or that get bosses to say “how long will it take, and how much will it cost.”
At first we called it a “Brand Storytelling Workshop”. (If you visited our site last week, that’s what it was called). But then we realized that maybe using the word “Brand” was too limiting. Maybe it was just a little too ‘marketing speak’.
It was really nagging at me over the weekend.
Does “Brand Storytelling Workshop” adequately describe what it is and tease the value?
Not really. It really just says “what it is”.
Does it clearly speak to the people who would raise their hand if they
understood its outcomes?
My conclusion was a resounding NO.
Because not all companies even think in terms of BRAND (with a capital B.R.A.N.D).
But most companies do have areas where they struggle to tell their story either simply enough, persuasively enough, or uniquely enough . . . whether it’s to their customers, investors, internal stakeholders, their board, their donors, or whatever.
So we started brainstorming. How can we convey what this workshop really is to people who will care?
That made me think of our most in-demand training workshop called Get To The Point™, which is a corporate training workshop on what we call “High Stakes Presentations” (the kind you put together when you're asking for 10’s of millions). One day I experimented with calling it the Get To The Point workshop to one of our clients and it stuck. It stuck because what we’re really training folks to do is use storytelling frameworks to uncomplicate their pitches so the people with check-signing authority can get excited enough to fund internal innovation.
“Get To The Point” was a happy accident that resonates because executives despise when they’re given a deck that is so convoluted they can’t figure out what they’re approving.
How do we do that again, Obi-Wan?
You see, the answers are rarely “inside” the company.
The answers are . . . OUT THERE. Out there in the market. Out there with the people who will buy . . . or not.
So I need your help.
We changed the name to Stand Out Storytelling. What do you think? What does this mean to you? Hit reply, por favor and give me some of your sweet Jedi wisdom. I’m serious! I want to hear from you.
And if you really want to go the extra mile, let me interview you.

🔗 https://www.videoask.com/f2vjuvz35
Thanks for reading to the end! Happy weekend.